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Recommendations for Best Regulatory Framework for Smart Metering Services is published

The report Recommendations for Best Regulatory Framework for Smart Metering Services provides recommendations for a regulatory framework to implement Article 13 of the ESD and to generate a wide uptake of innovative smart metering services. Article 13(1) of the ESD demands that member states ens

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National workshop in Finland: Älyä sähköverkkoihin - Kokemuksia älykkäästä energianmittauksesta 19.6.2012

Suomi on älykkään energianmittauksen kärkijoukkoa ja testikenttä Euroopassa. Tämän myötä meillä on jo nyt tarjolla hyviä esimerkkejä siitä, kuinka älykäs energiamittaus ja sähköverkko tarjoavat uusia mahdollisuuksia liiketoimintaan ja energiatehokkuuden edistämiseen.

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Innovative Smart Metering Services – Best Practices in Europe, 24.5.2012 Bucharest, Romania

On May 24th, 2012 at POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest the Workshop "Innovative Smart Metering Services - Best Practices in Europe" was held. There were 43 participants from the partners and other companies. Workshop program and presentations are to be found below, together with some pictures

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SmartRegions - Promoting Best Practices of Innovative Smart Metering Services to European Regions

Smart metering technology has a great potential to achieve cost-efficient energy savings, and its effective use is crucial in achieving the 2016 and 2020 energy efficiency targets in Europe. Moreover, smart meters play an important role in smart grids and reaching the EU 20 % renewable energy source target by 2020. However, smart meters themselves are only enabling technologies, which need to be coupled with innovative end-user services to reach better energy management through the means of rewards, automation and information.

The SmartRegions project focuses on innovative smart metering services, such as informative billing and feedback, variable tariffs and load control services, that are the most potential to bring energy savings and peak load reduction. In this, the project aims to inspire and encourage energy utilities, energy service providers as well as regulators across Europe to promote the development of these new services and to use the full potential of the new metering technology.





SmartRegions Tool

The SmartRegions Tool aims to support the decision makers, energy utilities and other relevant target groups in their assessment of costs and benefits related to smart meter deployment and improved energy services.

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SmartRegions at Metering Billing / CRM Europe 2012

In its 14th year, Metering, Billing/CRM Europe is Europe's most established event for smart utility professionals, which in 2011 alone attracted over 5000 international participants. The Metering Europe 2012 conference and exhibition will be organised on 9th-11th October 2012 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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