Best Practices for Innovative Smart Metering Services

Smart metering technologies enable a wide variety of new and innovative reporting, feedback and demand response services, designed to provide the end-user with motivation and means for more efficient energy use. The services can be grouped in the following categories:

• Energy saving services (information and feedback services)
• Demand response services (dynamic tariffs and load control services)

To display the state-of-art of new smart metering based end-user services, best practices have been defined for residential, public and commercial buildings. The best practise services are gathered from EU27 and Norway, covering electricity, heat, gas and water, based on pilots and commercial implementations.

The aim of the best practises is to support energy utilities and retailers, end-user service developers as well as policy makers in delivering active customer participation, energy savings and peak load reduction through smart metering. This is done by presenting important aspects to be considered when developing and deploying these services for end-users, and by presenting best practise examples around Europe. As the field of smart metering and related services is in rapid development phase, these best practise examples will be updated regularly.

European best practice examples are listed by country in the map below. Energy saving services are marked with green dots and demand response services with red dots.


Best practices for residential customers
Best practices for public and commercial customers